Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here Is How To Spot The Best MLM Company

The best mlm company must strive to provide very high quality products. These products especially wellness ones must have scientific tests to back them up. They should yield the promised results.
It would lose meaning to walk down the street in any store and find the product. It is also critical to have a product with retail customers. Those not interested in the compensation plan.
The best mlm company must provide a clear system here distributors can track their efforts. They should get their checks on time. Personally, I would rather deal with the Company directly. The concept of middle men has really brought many wrangles.
Gone are the days when distributors had to create room in their small homes for the company's products. With the advanced technology, you should be able to make a sale just by one click on your mouse.
However, if your target market "believes by seeing", then you want products to demonstrate with.

I don't know about you but I would want a product which can't limit me by space. Especially with the Internet, you should get distributors worldwide.
How long has the company been in operation? This is very important especially if you are not a risk taker. Check out the pros and consof joining a new mlm company
This is very critical. You must know costs involved. Sometimes the start up costs are okay but the monthly charges have left distributors frustrated. Even the little commission they make goes back to the company. I would rather buy a product that is highly priced once and avoid ongoing mandatory purchases.
The best mlm company should be recognized Internationally. Surely by searching Google, you should be able to find it. They should have real offices and staff to connect to in case of a problem.
How flexible is your company? Do they want to own you? Do they sabotage your marketing efforts?
As Donald Trump says, some distributors should tell their mlm companies that they "are fired!". Some restrictions don't make sense at all. By the way, just know that Companies survive without you. You must be wise.
10.            TRAINING AND SUPPORT :
The best mlm company should provide training. However, you must be careful. If they insist that you keep doing what doesn't work, then that is a problem.
I know of a distributor who was dismissed because he was not following the "proven system". And yet, he was the best distributor in that company- What a shame!
11.            COMPENSATION PLAN:
Honestly, compensation plans are very difficult to understand. You can take decades. Statistics say that the best mlm company should require an individual to have 1,000-3,500 downlines to earn a substantial amount of residual income.
The smaller the number the better. However very high commissions will result into the company collapsing.
The list goes on. But I can't stress this point enough!The company really doesn't matter. In any case, you are familiar with these huge mlm companies which are known everywhere but distributors are shedding tears. Most of these companies are collapsing.
What matters is YOU and your MENTOR. Develop your skills. You can never fail to get a company as long as you have outstanding qualities.

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